Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Does Google Glass Have An Optics Problem? And Does Google Care (Forbes)

It’s hard to judge the success of a product launch before the product is even really out in the market. But in the case of Google GOOG +1.17% Glass, it’s proving to be awfully tempting.
Over the last few days, a meme has emerged: Whatever the faults of Glass as adevice, the backlash it has encountered during its prolonged beta test period is the result of misjudgments made in the campaign around it.Robert Scoble, the influential technology writer and early Glass apostle — after first trying them out, hevowed never to go without them again — has changed his mind. At the Coachella festival last weekend, he elected to go without, and concluded he’d made the right decision after seeing other Glass-wearers shunned.
“What is going on here in a world where I am carrying around a camera and EVERYONE uses their phones or a GoPro but Glass feels freaky and weird?” he wrote on Facebook. “Google has launched this product poorly, is what.”

Dave Winer, the widely read developer and blogger, believes Google has allowed Glass to become tainted by larger resentments against the tech industry over everything from the gentrification of San Francisco to NSA eavesdropping. Among its mistakes, he says, was setting the price way too high: “[T]here’s something really offensive about a super-rich company asking people to pay $1500 to beta-test their product,” he writes. “For all the billions Google has, they have to do PR just like everyone else.”
And Gene Marks, writing elsewhere on this site, sees a host of blunders in the launch, including pricing, timing, over-broad market selection and clunky design.
I ran these criticisms by Ed Sanders, who heads up marketing for Project Glass. Does Glass have, as Winer puts it, a “bad smell”? Is it the victim of a fumbled launch, or of Google’s corporate baggage?
“I see it as quite a necessary symptom of a company that’s trying to be disruptive,” Sanders told me. “Nothing great has been achieved where it’s incremental.”
The backlash is a result of the way Google decided to roll out Glass, he says — but it was a deliberate decision to do it that way, with a limited public beta surrounded by a nimbus of hype and curiosity. “Yes, it was an unusual step of doing it so exposed, and risks come with that,” he says. “We knew there would be downsides, but we also knew and know there would be tremendous 

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