Thursday, May 8, 2014

Nigeria: schoolgirls’ kidnapping sparks international outrage (Euronews)

The mass abduction of nearly 300 girls from a school in Nigeria has ignited international outrage.

Rallies have been held around the world, piling pressure on the Nigerian government to bring the teenagers home.

High profile people such as Michelle Obama have helped draw attention to the plight of the girls and to an escalating extremist insurgency.

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Militant group Boko Haram has claimed responsibility for taking the schoolgirls. The group’s name means “Western education is sinful.”
Girls’ education activist Malala Yousafzai, who was the target of a Taliban shooting two years ago for going to school, has joined an online campaign.
The twitter hashtag #BringBackOurGirls has been retweeted more than one million times. That’s helping keep the world’s focus fixed on finding the girls.
Actress and UN Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie condemned the mass kidnapping.
“I’m absolutely sickened by it and the thought of them out there right now, terrified and being abused and sold.
And not only do they believe that girls shouldn’t have an education which is absolutely wrong, it is appalling, it is of course their right and the most wonderful thing, the most important thing for young girls, but that they’re taken as objects and going to be so violated and if the world does nothing then they get away this, then we set this horrible precedent,” said Jolie.

The Nigerian president pledged on Thursday to continue a military search and rescue mission to bring the girls home. He said their return would mark “the beginning of the end of terrorism” in the country.

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