Wednesday, May 14, 2014

City, county agencies made some missteps during fire (10news)

SAN DIEGO - There have been countless alerts, tweets and emails sent out by city and county officials regarding the Bernardo Fire.

The most bizarre was an emergency notice from the County of San Diego emergency app saying, "Fire in your pants."

10News asked about it and were told the county worked on it on the cloud "but someone left the door open" and that "Obviously it is an issue we will be addressing."

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Then, there was information that 20,000 homes were being evacuated. When San Diego County Sheriff Bill Gore was asked about it, he said, "I think there may have been some speculation involved on the part of some people in the media."
10News found that information on two different county websites.
At about 2 p.m. Tuesday, the city of San Diego sent out an email evacuating every home in Rancho Penasquitos and Rancho Bernardo. Two hours later, the San Diego Police Department sent out a tweet that read "Update: 92127 and 92129 was alert only and not evacuation." 10News received several calls from panicked viewers asking about it.
10News asked San Diego Police Chief Shelley Zimmerman about the mistake.
"We received updated information that it wasn't going to be the entire area," she said. "And you know, with the history we have in the city of San Diego from the two fires we've had, it's always better to be safe and to have a larger area if we believe that fire is going to that area."
10News also asked about the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department's initial response, launching Copter One and Copter Two but not calling for a Cal Fire tanker for at least 20 minutes.
Cal Fire San Diego Unit Division Chief Kevin Lawson said, "We may have been but I can't substantiate on the 20-minute delay. I know that immediately when the aircraft was launched on the state's behalf that it responded quickly and efficiently."
Firefighters pointed out how intense the brush fire turned out and it is only May.
No structures were lost and no one was hurt or killed.

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