Saturday, April 26, 2014

N.B.A. Probing Racial Remarks Tied to Owner (Nytimes)

MEMPHIS — The N.B.A. has promised a swift investigation into remarks attributed to the Los Angeles Clippers’ owner, Donald Sterling, after the release Friday night of an audio recording on the gossip website in which a person TMZ identified as Mr. Sterling admonished a female friend to avoid being seen in public with black people.

Reaction around the league, whose players are predominantly African-American, was immediate and forceful.
The Miami Heat’s LeBron James said, “There’s no room for Donald Sterling in our league.” Magic Johnson, the former Lakers star,said on Twitter that he would not attend a Clippers game as long as Mr. Sterling remained the owner.
Commissioner Adam Silver, speaking Saturday night before a playoff game in Memphis, struck a more cautious tone, saying he was offended by the words reportedly spoken by Mr. Sterling but also urging that due process be given a chance to play out.
Mr. Silver, who took over as commissioner from David Stern in February, said he would not speculate on what types of penalties might be handed down, but he pointed out that his office had broad powers. Mr. Silver said he expected the investigation to settle largely around the authenticity of the recording and its context. He expected it to be complete in several days.
“All members of the N.B.A. family should be afforded due process and a fair opportunity to present their side of any controversy,” Mr. Silver said, “which is why I’m not yet prepared to discuss any potential sanctions against Donald Sterling. We will, however, move extraordinarily quickly in our investigation.”
Mr. Silver said that Mr. Sterling would not attend Sunday’s game against the Golden State Warriors, but he did not say whether Mr. Sterling would be in attendance Tuesday when the series returned to Los Angeles.
In the audio recording, a person identified by TMZ as Mr. Sterling can be heard chiding a former girlfriend, identified by the website as V. Stiviano, saying he was angry that she had posted a picture on her Instagram account of herself and Mr. Johnson.
“It bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you’re associating with black people,” Mr. Sterling is alleged to have said. Later in the recording, referring to her Instagram postings, the person says that “you don’t have to have yourself with, walking with black people.”
The person identified as Mr. Sterling also says: “Don’t put him on an Instagram for the world to have to see so they have to call me. And don’t bring him to my games. Yeah, it bothers me a lot that you want to promo, broadcast that you’re associating with black people. Do you have to?”
Mr. Sterling’s wife sued Ms. Stiviano last month, asking for the return of cash, property, cars and other items that Mr. Sterling had given Ms. Stiviano.
The Clippers’ longtime president, Andy Roeser, said in a statement Saturday that he was not certain whether the recording was authentic and that the club was investigating.
“Mr. Sterling is emphatic that what is reflected on that recording is not consistent with, nor does it reflect, his views, beliefs or feelings,” Mr. Roeser said in the statement. “It is the antithesis of who he is, what he believes and how he has lived his life. He feels terrible that such sentiments are being attributed to him and apologizes to anyone who might have been hurt by them.”In 2009, Mr. Sterling paid $2.725 million to settle a housing discrimination suit brought by the Justice Department, which accused him of systematically driving African-Americans, Latinos and families with children out of the apartment buildings he owned. In the settlement, Mr. Sterling did not admit wrongdoing.
Mr. Sterling was also sued unsuccessfully over accusations of racial discrimination by the Clippers’ former longtime general manager, Elgin Baylor.
The N.B.A. has not previously disciplined Mr. Sterling, who bought the Clippers in 1981.
On May 15, Mr. Sterling is scheduled to be honored by the Los Angeles chapter of the N.A.A.C.P. with a lifetime achievement award.
The Clippers met Saturday for 45 minutes before practicing in San Francisco, where they are staying while they play Golden State in a first-round playoff series. The team decided to play Game 4 on Sunday, though some people around the league — including Mr. James — had suggested they protest by not playing.
When the players spoke to reporters after practice, only Chris Paul — who is also the president of the N.B.A. Players Association — commented on Mr. Sterling, and his remarks were brief.
The team’s coach, Doc Rivers, said, “Our protest will be our play.” Mr. Rivers, who is African-American, was hired during the off-season as the team’s executive vice president of basketball operations.

Asked how comfortable he was working for the Clippers, Mr. Rivers, who played for the team in the early 1990s, said: “I don’t know. It doesn’t make me comfortable today; that’s for sure.”
Mr. Sterling is a regular presence at Clippers home games. He sat in his usual courtside seat with his wife, Shelly, for the team’s most recent home game Monday night against the Warriors. He rarely communicates with his players, except when he is upset. He heckled Baron Davis, who signed a five-year, $65 million contract, for being out of shape, and in 2009 he barged into the locker room to berate the team.
Until the Clippers acquired Mr. Paul in a trade three seasons ago, the franchise was viewed as a model of dysfunction in American professional sports, known for losing basketball and poor management. Ron Harper, counting the days until he reached free agency and could leave, once said he was “just doing my jail time.”
Mr. Silver said Saturday that he had spoken with Mr. Rivers, Mr. Paul and Mayor Kevin Johnson of Sacramento, the former Phoenix Suns guard who is leading the search by the players union for a new executive director. In a statement issued by the union, Mr. Johnson, who will play a prominent role in the union’s response, urged “strong and swift action” if the report was accurate.
The website of The Los Angeles Times reported that Eric Garcetti, the Los Angeles mayor, had said through a spokesman that he condemned the “statements and sentiments” attributed to Mr. Sterling.
The Los Angeles Times also quoted Herb Wesson, the president of the City Council and the first African-American to hold that position, as asking that owners be held to the same standards as players for offensive comments. “A player gets fined if he says something that’s inappropriate,” Mr. Wesson said.
Nets guard Shaun Livingston, who was drafted fourth over all by the Clippers in 2004 and played four seasons for the team, chuckled and shook his head when he was asked about Mr. Sterling after practice Saturday.
“Everybody kind of knows what’s going on, you know what I mean?” Mr. Livingston said.Asked if the remarks attributed to Mr. Sterling were upsetting, Mr. Livingston said: “If you look at it, I would say it’s probably disappointing to a lot of people, but if you look at what’s kind of gone on in the past, it’s very unfortunate. But I think it kind of tells the same story as what’s been told, if you pull up the record.”
That record raised questions about the nature of race relations in the N.B.A., which has a history of being one of the more progressive professional sports leagues. It has had some of the first African-American coaches, executives and owners, and this year it became the first league with an openly gay player when Jason Collins signed with the Nets.
“I’m extraordinarily proud of the relations we have in this league, with each other, among various ethnic groups, various nationalities,” Mr. Silver said. “We have an extraordinary number of international players who play in this league, and I think our track record is stellar. And while I understand the anger that could be naturally expressed over hearing a tape like this, I also believe that ultimately the players and the rest of the N.B.A. family has confidence that we will deal with it appropriately.”
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