Thursday, April 24, 2014

Commissioner Bill Bratton on #myNYPD disaster: ‘I kind of welcome the attention’ Read more:

Commissioner Bill Bratton said the NYPD’s Twitter initiative urging denizens to post photos of themselves interacting happily with New York’s Finest — which resulted in the hashtag being hijacked with pictures depicting alleged police violence — were ‘old news, placing some of the blame on previous police administrations. According to sources, no one is being blamed for the PR disaster.Read more: Commissioner Bill Bratton insists he wasn’t upset by the Twitter avalanche of anti-cop sentiment — #nokidding.

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more:“I kind of welcome the attention,” Bratton said Wednesday as the negative tweets kept coming nearly 24 hours after cops invited the cyber-submissions. “We really broke the numbers yesterday.”In all, more than 110,000 members of the Twitterverse responded — most in nasty fashion — after the NYPD made its proposal at 1:55 p.m. on Tuesday.The cops innocuously asked people to post pictures of themselves interacting with New York’s Finest using the hashtag #myNYPD. But instead of happy pictures of cops posing with tourists or helping old folks cross the street, Twitter erupted with hundreds of photos of police violence.Featured were shots of Occupy Wall Street arrests and the 84-year-old bloodied for jaywalking on the Upper West Side earlier this year.“Most of the pictures I looked at, they’re old news,” Bratton said, tossing previous NYPD administrations under the patrol car. “They’ve been out there for a long time.”Bratton offered one more caveat: “Often times police activities are lawful, but look awful.”Police sources indicated the NYPD brass will not discipline anyone for the social media disaster and cops have yet to identify the official behind the epic fail.Bratton said people were still welcome to express their feelings via the department’s Twitter feed.“Send us your photos, good and bad,” he said. “I am a strong supporter and advocate of social media.”By late Tuesday, #myNYPD was the top trending hashtag on Twitter, replacing #HappyEarthDay. At its height, 10,000 people an hour were posting to #myNYPD.Sources said the NYPD has made picture requests before on Twitter and has received a mix of pro and con pictures — but nothing like this.
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